Sediment Transport Pathways & Connectivity

Where does sediment go?  Where does it come from?

Can we better understand coastal sediment transport pathways by analyzing experimental tracer or drifter studies in the field and developing Lagrangian particle tracking models? Can we use a “connectivity” approach to aggregate and interpret this information?

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Relevant Publications

  1. Pearson, S.G., van Prooijen, B.C., Elias, E.P.L, Vitousek, S., & Wang, Z.B. (2020). Sediment Connectivity: A Framework for Analyzing Coastal Sediment Transport Pathways. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface. [Link]
  2. Pearson, S.G., van Prooijen, B.C., Poleykett, J., Wright, M., K. Black, K., Wang, Z.B. (2021). Tracking fluorescent and ferrimagnetic sediment tracers on an energetic ebb-tidal delta to monitor grain size-selective dispersal.  Ocean & Coastal Management. [Link].
  3. Pearson, S.G., Elias, E.P., Roelvink, F., *Lambregts, P., Wang, Z.B., van Prooijen, B.C. (2021). Lagrangian Sediment Transport Modelling as a Tool for Investigating Coastal Connectivity [Oral Presentation]. Coastal Dynamics 2021, June 2021. [URL].
  4. de Wit, F.P., Tissier, M.F.S., Pearson, S.G., Radermacher, M., van de Ven, M.J.P., van Langevelde, A.P., Vos, T.A., Reniers, A.J.H.M. (2018). Measuring the spatial and temporal variability of currents on Ameland Ebb-Tidal Delta [Poster]. NCK Days Conference, March 23 2018, Haarlem, the Netherlands. [Link]

Relevant Student Projects (Co-)Supervised

  1. Lars KrikkeImpact of the Eastern Scheldt Storm Surge Barrier on sediment transport pathways. Nov 2021 – Present. In cooperation with Deltares and Rijkswaterstaat.
  2. Carlijn MeijersSediment transport pathways in Burrard Inlet. Mar 2021 – Dec 2021.  In cooperation with Deltares, Kerr Wood Leidel, and Tsleil Watuth Nation. [Link].
  3. Paula LambregtsSediment bypassing at Ameland inlet and the role of an ebb-tidal delta nourishment. Sep 2020 – Jun 2021. In cooperation with Deltares and Rijkswaterstaat. Chair: Zheng Bing Wang. [Link].
  4. Laurie van Gijzen. Sediment Transport Pathways in San Francisco Bay. [Link]. Apr 2019 – Mar 2020.  In cooperation with Deltares. 
  5. Michelle Gostic. Sediment Transport Pathways in San Francisco Bay [Link]. Feb 2018 – Jul 2018. In cooperation with Deltares.

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